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AdmWin - for the Windows, Linux and Novell Administrator

Contact information

If you can't find what you need... please let us know!

All feedback is welcome, please use this address: feedback@admwin.com.

  • Support and answers to general questions are only given via e-mail.
  • When writing to us, please try to write a good subject line that describes the contents of your mail, this will help us to give you a quicker answer.
  • e-mail isn't perfect... some never arrives - if you have not received a response within three business days, please re-send your e-mail.

Questions / Support - Reporting Bugs - Orders - Address

Questions / Support: support@admwin.com.

Before writing

  • Make sure that you have the latest version of AdmWin.
  • Please make sure that the you can not find the solution to your problem in the manual.

Try to be as specific as possible, describe exactly what you want to do.

Bad question: "Can I export data from Admwin to Access?"
Answer: Please be more specific.

Good question: "I want to create a big database with all passwords ever used in my domain. Is it possible to use SetupExplorer to extract all passwords from AD/the registry and export them to Access?"
Answer: No, SetupExplorer cannot read passwords.


Bug reports: bugs@admwin.com

Remember, if we cannot reproduce your bug, we cannot fix it - try to make sure your e-mail includes all relevant facts. Also, try to be as specific as possible about the problem by including the exact steps that led up to the problem. If you suspect that the problem is in one of the .ini or .cnu files, please attach those files to your e-mail.

Always include these details in your mail

  • version of AdmWin
  • OS version, service pack version, OS language
    1) on the computer where you run AdmWin
    2) on the target machine
  • any error messages


Wennstrom Software is located in Umea, 600 kilometers north of Stockholm, Sweden.
Umea has about 103,000 inhabitants. Biggest employer: Umea university with more than 24,000 students and 3,700 staff.

Postal mail

Wennstrom Software
Alvans vag 146
SE-907 50 Umea

Phone / fax

Fax Europe: +46 (90) 2001 202
Fax US: +1 (801) 340 4846
Voice: +46 (90) 13 55 00

Please use e-mail or fax when possible, our phone is very busy.

Topic Address
General questions info@admwin.com
Orders sales@admwin.com
Bug reports bugs@admwin.com
Suggestions feedback@admwin.com
Support support@admwin.com
Web pages webmaster@admwin.com
Updates updates@admwin.com

Main site (US):

Mirror (EU):